Heritage Bible Church, Port Lavaca, TX
Heritage Bible Church
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Most Recent

1 - 11 of 11

John 16:1-11, "The Power in Conviction", 10/23/16, by Dr. J.…

Length: 00:40:05
Added: 8 years ago
Plays: 21181

James 1:19-27, "The Word in Practice", 9/18/16, by Dr. J. Du…

Length: 00:45:55
Added: 8 years ago
Plays: 28666

John 14:15-26, "Our Spiritual Inheritance (Part 1)", 7-24-16…

Length: 00:38:52
Added: 8 years ago
Plays: 24780

John 14:15-26, "Our Spiritual Inheritance (Part 2)", 8-14-16…

Length: 00:35:49
Added: 8 years ago
Plays: 21837

John 1:1-5, Intro to John, "The Word...Jesus" 6-2-13 by Dust…

Length: 00:36:54
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 12074

Jude 17-23, "Survival in Godless Times" by Dustin Jenkins

Length: 00:45:35
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 10326

Ephesians 2:11-22, "Coming Together In Christ" by Dustin Jen…

Length: 00:45:54
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 10522

Ephesians 1:11-14, "A Guaranteed Inheritance (Part 2)" by Du…

Length: 00:50:05
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 12703

Ephesians 1:11-14, "A Guaranteed Inheritance" by Dustin Jenk…

Length: 00:54:02
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 10033

Ephesians 1:3-6, "The Body of Christ: Formed in Eternity Pas…

Length: 00:44:15
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 12802

Intro to Ephesians, by Dustin Jenkins

Length: 00:46:31
Added: 12 years ago
Plays: 9799